Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Going where no man has gone before!"

The last couple of months have been quite a whirlwind. Our family left for the states back in November for a short furlough to visit family and friends.  Although our time was too short in Texas, we were glad to get back into a normal routine.  On January 1st, we departed the states to start the New Year back in Cambodia.

While in the states,  I was visiting with a friend of mine who would be returning to her home country in the next couple months. She had been living in the US for years, but felt  God was calling her to return to Africa and to minister the Gospel there.  She also shared her reluctance about how God could use her since she was woman, and how there were many challenges to face because of this.  I then began to share a story about my Cambodian friend, Sreymum.
(for confidentiality real names and locations are not used)
My friend and I traveling to the village 

Last year Sreymum and I, along with a small medical team, traveled to a village just outside of Phnom Penh.  As we were traveling,  she began to share about how she came to know the people there.  She said, "One day God told me to travel to this village". Sreymum resisted God saying, "I don't know anyone in this village. I don't know what to do when I go?  I am only a woman. How can I tell the people about you?  I don't have a certificate to teach the Bible!"  Sreymum finally gave in, and began traveling to this village every Saturday.  During this time she did not share the Gospel, but instead began talking and visiting with the people. Overtime, her relationship with the people deepened. One day, the village Buddhist monk approached her. This was highly unusual.  He began asking many questions about why she was coming to the village.  In the months to follow, Sreymum shared with him about why she was coming and about God's love for the people.

Shortly after, the monk gave his life to Christ! Today, about 80 families in the village gather on Sundays under a tarp to worship God.  Sreymum meets regularly with the monk, village chief, and other key leaders in the community to study the Bible.

This story often reminds me of Moses, and how he resisted God also.  He told God, I don't have what it takes to do what your asking me to do! How often do we say, "I can't because........."  But with God, all things are possible! 


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